Love - Relationships - Marriage

The ultimateness of making love

Expressing is the ultimateness of making love or lovemaking is just a physical activity rather than a mental and spiritual connection. Being able to be happy and free to express feelings and needs to each other when making love is of the essence of lovemaking. The reason why a couple will get tired of making love is that they just make love like robots or even chores but do not engage in it with expression happily telling or whispering to each other their feelings. Only with these elements embracing lovemaking can this activity sustain the longest and happiest in a marriage rendering lovemaking an amazing thing unique to a couple.
Nevertheless, doing the above requires a good and intimate relationship, and this is exactly what a couple will inevitably lose when their marriage ages. To own a good and intimate relationship in the long run, first and foremost, never allow familiarity to breed contempt; instead, make exceptionally good use of familiarity to breed more understanding, love, and intimacy, doing so will make a couple always have a feeling that they treasure the love they cultivated in their courting time and go nurture it in their marriage path. It is a concerted effort a couple has to make without any party shifting the responsibility onto the other.
Bear in mind that no relationship on earth can have that awful level of familiarity as a couple has, a husband and wife will, in general, and in normal, have the longest to get along in the same place compared with the other relationships, and the most crucial is, that they sleep in the same bed sharing an activity flesh to flesh unique to a couple that no other relationships will have. That can also explain why they will be more easily and quickly familiar with each other than the other relationships do. Rendering‘ familiarity’ good or bad relies on how a couple copes with it. When they take exceptionally good use of familiarity to breed more understanding, love, and intimacy, they will find making love a beautiful bliss with men finding his wife more than willing and happy to express to him, sexily whispering in his ears how she feels and wants.
Guides and tips to men: A woman won’t be willing to express her feeling about sex to a man whom she cannot find enough trust in him even though he is her husband. She may make love with him; however, she won’t be willing to tell him how she feels and wants because her feeling about sex is a secret as well as a thing of self-esteem and morals, expressing such feelings requires her lots of trust and fondness in the man so that she will not fear of him making a point of derogating her when problems arise between them in the future. Men, if you want to pry into your women’s inner feelings about sex that you find important and valuable to you, show her as much love, kindness, sincerity, and respect as you can.

Judy Cheng

Hello friends, I am from Hong Kong, living there and having decent education there. I am a mother of two sons and I work as a veteran counselor at a fully fledgling marital introduction company. I like to share with people some tougher experiences in the area of human relationships, marriage in particular. I find human nature is a mixed blessing. While we are bestowed upon enjoying the advantages of it, we can also flee the disadvantages of it. How? I will tell you in my books and blogs.
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