
2023 Global Economic Recession

In the face of the once-in-a-century global economic recession that is brutally and fiercely threatening every one of us, we have to stay positive by acting bravely to keep our mental state in shape to wait for the day the economy comes back. Never should we be over nervous or stressed during this time’s global economic downturn, do our very best to receive recovery despite it must take time. The economy does have its cycle, it will never be downturn forever, the thing is when it recovers one day, can you be sure you will be good enough in health to receive and celebrate it? The answer will say nay if you are now over nervous or stressed rendering your health deteriorated and get sick. To know how to make it, read the following tips which are crucial and effective.
Never should we be afraid of needing to live simpler when the economy is bad with our income shrinking, thinking such a life might be harsh or even scary. In fact, simple life can make you not only physically but also mentally sharp because you would not have to be bothered by redundant stuff that is rife with unnecessary material kinds of things. Please check how many cell phones you have now. Actually, we don’t need more than one cell phone, can you tell me how come you would stack up so many of them when only one is in use? The answer is we have long been living in an extra material world (these two decades in particular), and today, it is time to learn a lesson with an opportunity to get rid of over-abundance by living simpler.
Living a life with less material stuff will lead our lives to more meaning because we will have more time with our loved ones when we don’t have to spend most of our time making a lot of money to buy unnecessary material stuff; we will have more time to do exercises to improve our health, and finally, we will have more time to think of life learning what is important in life. When we live simpler, we don’t have to earn much with much time, the result is we will have more time to make ourselves happy and healthy. On the opposite, if we want to live an extravagant life, we have to earn a lot by spending all of our time doing it, we are just slaves to money with the sacrifice of our health as a price. The worst is our life will go complicated and we can never be happy and simple again. Keep in mind that humans need basics like food, water, electricity, shelter, and love, and, mainly we need each other; the extra will only plunge us into the abyss of greed.
Saving is important, don’t spend all of your income but leave at least one-third of it as your saving. Saving is real security, so try not to invest your saving randomly or in a way of pure speculation like gambling, for no money can be made without effort and hard work. Vanity is our enemy when we want to do the abovementioned, so don’t be a person with uncontrollable vanity. Vanity will ruin your life, for vanity is a devil, it will only push you to an extreme without you consciously realizing what it is. Bear in mind that you don’t have to own everything to get praised to fulfill your vanity, what you need to own is your health, mental health in particular, and the way to own it is to have good relationships with your loved ones, families, friends, and colleagues, try spending as much quality time as you can with them and you will find what a life without vanity is. Living a humble life is more beneficial than an extravagant one, for a humble life can effectively eliminate your vanity.
Go master a skill suitable for your job and the prospect of your future by investing yourself in it instead of insanely investing in crypto or NFT to run out your luck with a fond dream of making a quick and big fortune, it is a wholly foolish gamble that will claim your life. Your luck should be placed on the things you can control.
In short, to survive this unprecedented global economic recession, be positive and do the best you can, wait for the day the economy comes back, and go celebrate it with your pride. When you have lived for a few years simpler, you will find a humble life meaningful and happy and you will go on living your life this way rather than live it the opposite way with the economic recovery. At last, you will find the reward of surviving this time’s economic recession is you will never be afraid of it coming again.

Judy Cheng

Hello friends, I am from Hong Kong, living there and having decent education there. I am a mother of two sons and I work as a veteran counselor at a fully fledgling marital introduction company. I like to share with people some tougher experiences in the area of human relationships, marriage in particular. I find human nature is a mixed blessing. While we are bestowed upon enjoying the advantages of it, we can also flee the disadvantages of it. How? I will tell you in my books and blogs.
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