Love - Relationships - Marriage

Sexual life makes a marriage

A couple has to do a lot better after getting married. One of the important reasons is, that after getting married as a couple of husband and wife and they will have a sexual life – a normal sexual life a lot different from the one they had in their courting time.
In courting time, a couple makes love when they feel they are intimate; romantic; sweet, and have a strong desire to do it, leading their love-making to a ferociously happy state of sensation with much physical pleasure as well as the spiritual one. However, when a man and a woman become husband and wife, they will make love as their part of life, doing it regularly and normally with less and less romance ignited each time. What they need is a basic and crucial element required in doing it, and it is a good relationship.
Without a good relationship, it is ridiculous and impossible to reveal one’s feelings to a person who is prying into your most inner state of sensation in making love, yeah, they may watch TV together; they may have dinner together, but they cannot make love together on a bed, and it can explain why so many couples will give up this activity when they are having a bad relationship with each other. Without a doubt, a couple has to do by each other a lot better after getting married than they were in their courting time – when – there have been many a couple who has mistakenly thought they can be loose, lazy or even bad towards each other once getting married, not knowing marriage is the real beginning of their relationship. Surely, there is a lot to learn in a marriage, and there are even things that you cannot learn elsewhere.

Judy Cheng

Hello friends, I am from Hong Kong, living there and having decent education there. I am a mother of two sons and I work as a veteran counselor at a fully fledgling marital introduction company. I like to share with people some tougher experiences in the area of human relationships, marriage in particular. I find human nature is a mixed blessing. While we are bestowed upon enjoying the advantages of it, we can also flee the disadvantages of it. How? I will tell you in my books and blogs.
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