Life experiences / Philosophy of life

How Sentimentality Works in Our Lives

While we are often told to be rational to approach life with logic and reason, there is also a profound beauty and meaning to be found in sentimentality.
Sentimentality is more than just feeling and emotions. It’s about connecting deeply with experiences, memories, and relationships. It’s all the more about acknowledging the nuances of human existence, the bittersweet moments, the quiet joys, and the profound sorrows.
When we embrace sentimentality, we open ourselves to a richer and more fulfilling life. We allow ourselves to feel the full spectrum of emotions, from the heights of joy to the depths of sorrow. We learn to appreciate the small moments, the humble victories, and the simple pleasures.
While rationality can help us make informed decisions and solve problems, sentimentality can help us find meaning and purpose in our lives. It can connect us to others on a deeper level, foster empathy, and inspire us to live with compassion and kindness.
It’s important to note that being sentimental doesn’t mean being overly emotional or dwelling on the past. It’s about balancing reason and emotion, logic and intuition.
Ultimately, the meaning of life isn’t about winning or losing. It’s about discovering who we are, what we value, and what makes our lives truly contented and fulfilled. And sometimes, the most profound insights come not from logical analysis, but from the depths of our hearts and souls.

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Judy Cheng

Hello friends, I am from Hong Kong, living there and having decent education there. I am a mother of two sons and I work as a veteran counselor at a fully fledgling marital introduction company. I like to share with people some tougher experiences in the area of human relationships, marriage in particular. I find human nature is a mixed blessing. While we are bestowed upon enjoying the advantages of it, we can also flee the disadvantages of it. How? I will tell you in my books and blogs.
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