
A woman who has once done wrong

Marriage can hardly be again a myth when she has already lived through once with not a little pain and struggle. What especially saps her lots of strength is to entangle herself with a man in a marriage for almost ten years that she has desperately clung to but finally ends up in a tragic separation.
I don’t want them to grow up without their father bringing them up. I made a ferocious effort to keep him with us, but he just poured as much scorn as possible over me, deriding me as less than a bitch. I have done him wrong once, but it was a mistake, and I have begged his pardon on me many times. The result was he just could not forgive me but had borne grudge and hatred on me and tortured me as retribution that he thought I ought to deserve. During these ten years, he every day threatened me, with his temper suddenly changing without even showing me a dose of the sign as an indication so that I couldn’t make myself prepared. He could suddenly smile at me with a whim on one hand and made a long face towards me on the other. I totally failed to make myself gird against such a deed he took delight in doing to me, and gradually, I found myself progressively developing some kinds of emotional illness, or even worse.
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Judy Cheng

Hello friends, I am from Hong Kong, living there and having decent education there. I am a mother of two sons and I work as a veteran counselor at a fully fledgling marital introduction company. I like to share with people some tougher experiences in the area of human relationships, marriage in particular. I find human nature is a mixed blessing. While we are bestowed upon enjoying the advantages of it, we can also flee the disadvantages of it. How? I will tell you in my books and blogs.
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