Love - Relationships - Marriage

Why Is HE or SHE The Love in Your Life?

After experiencing some stages of life, we will grow not a few philosophies about relationships and love according to our different encounters, the breed of a couple, in particular, invariably has us prying into its mystery despite we can never discern its trajectory.
When there are a lot of women who may suit you, you will grow hesitant why is SHE your wife? It is a choice? If so, why would you choose her but not any of the others? You may be overwhelmed by this question thinking of it repeatedly only you can by no means answer it. Why is HE or SHE the love in your life? It is a very subtle question, and I think no one on earth is capable of answering it. To me, I see it is about fidelity and the accumulation of love and experiences in addition to destiny.
Love is strange, right? Life is far stranger. That is, you fall in love with her; however, you may fall in love with others as well only at the wrong time. Is it that ‘she appeared in your life before them’, so you must stick to ‘fidelity’ this principle to love her? If so, you love her based on fidelity but not sincerity. Without sincerity, fidelity can only serve as labor. It is a bogus hard work all!
If a relationship of love is all about falling in love, you will have questions about its permanence, for love between a man and a woman has a time limit. That’s why a couple has to rely on fidelity; the accumulation of love and life experiences they uniquely own; and most importantly, the accommodation they are willing to give to each other in the long run. All these things will make you believe the one who is in your life absolutely right.

Judy Cheng

Hello friends, I am from Hong Kong, living there and having decent education there. I am a mother of two sons and I work as a veteran counselor at a fully fledgling marital introduction company. I like to share with people some tougher experiences in the area of human relationships, marriage in particular. I find human nature is a mixed blessing. While we are bestowed upon enjoying the advantages of it, we can also flee the disadvantages of it. How? I will tell you in my books and blogs.
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