2015 Father’s Day
Not until now do I, in earnest, make myself believe that you had left me when all along I have stubbornly kept telling myself that you would not go far or long and would come back soon! Dad, you had spoken volumes for the truth – explicitly telling me that truth is so unrivaled as to teach us to face rather than shirk, and the truth is so real that it has made us realize that we are unable to lie. As though painful as it is to think of you, it is nonetheless a joy to me and every time I would spare no tears when doing it.
Today is Father’s Day, and a feeling of the torment of losing you has seethed to such an extent that I am tempted to become a magician showing my stuff, conjuring you out of a box, and letting me hug you forever not allowing you to go. In the past, I had not taken each Father’s Day seriously and today I deserve such a pang of regret.
To atone to you and my broken heart, I repose in seeing you every night in my dreams. Yeah, in my dreams there is a heaven, a place comfortable for you and me to meet again, laughing and crying, and in particular saying to you I love you and I badly miss you and – how desperate I am to have you on Father’s Day!

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