2017 Father’s Day
Dad, today, the fifth Father’s Day I am without you, it is like I am losing you for the fifth time. It is an immense hurt and pain. Not a word can be brutal enough to describe my feeling when I finally find there is nothing I can do to make you come back and listen to me saying to you ‘I love you’ with a desperate deep hug.
If the ultimate aim of life is to learn to part, I suppose the very first chapter of life is so by having us leave our mother’s body once born. As though ridiculous as it is, parting such a monster has taught us something so valuable that we cannot learn elsewhere. Rather than teach us to witness how our loved ones leave us, parting literally teaches us to love in time.
Dad, the excessive thoughtfulness you exclusively own makes you exceedingly gentle and sweet towards your daughters, letting them at least have one good man in their lives when today, ‘a good man is hard to find’ is overwhelmingly a norm. Dad, you may never know whenever we talk about good people, you are always on the top of the list, and the punchline is, when we are talking about you, we seem to forget the others on that list, for we have no time for them.
When I cannot find anything I can do for you on this celebrating day, I decide to sing you a song every year as our ritual, in remembrance of you, as well as recalling the memories of you staying at the hospital and with us seeing you every day and night, that is sweet and bitter dotted with tears and joys. I may not sing well but I know you would like it because whatever I am, you used to find me the best.

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