A man's road is long
Life experiences

Men can definitely cry

Surveys say the rate of suicide between men and women worldwide is approximately 1.7 where there are 1.7 times more among males than among females who have committed suicide, and in the western world, it is all the more prominent where there are three or four men to one woman.
In schools, schoolboys are naughtier and less obedient to teachers than schoolgirls are. This proves the case that, in general, men would have larger problems than women when they grow up. Men are male species who are born aggressive and ambitious bearing a great desire of conquering the world, the more aggressive and ambitious a man is, the more astonishing blunders he will possibly make. 
Women are usually small people in the human universe where they are born with a maternal instinct to bring up children, and the criterion they need to have is maternal care with femininity. According to this character freak, women are less prone to creating big problems or making big mistakes. And, women are extremely expressive animals, whenever they encounter difficulties, they would know to find listeners, and always their negative emotions would effectively go away this way. As to men who are born aggressive and ambitious, they would like to appear the strongest. By forming such a character streak,  they know they are the group who cannot cry, and by following such a seemingly rational line, they don’t allow themselves to express their inner feelings openly, rendering them the emotionless species of humans living in a world full of chaos, failures, regrets, etc.
The worst is, men know they have to be the strongest, they cannot but falsely project an image on them that admitting mistakes and failure are weak, so they deny them by stubbornly or brashly assuming that they are right and competent all the time, neglecting to know such a way of thought would lead them to make one mistake after another paving a road to disaster with no return. In fact, there are many men who have paved themselves such a doomed path in their lives with no rational reasons and meaning, and this alarm clock literally has our human universe sit up. 
Men, the world definitely allows you to cry only if you allow yourself to do so, forget about what you have been taught when you were young, that boys cannot and should not cry!

Judy Cheng

Hello friends, I am from Hong Kong, living there and having decent education there. I am a mother of two sons and I work as a veteran counselor at a fully fledgling marital introduction company. I like to share with people some tougher experiences in the area of human relationships, marriage in particular. I find human nature is a mixed blessing. While we are bestowed upon enjoying the advantages of it, we can also flee the disadvantages of it. How? I will tell you in my books and blogs.
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