Love - Relationships - Marriage

Some deep issues between the two genders

In general, women find it far easier to tell stories than men do. It is not necessarily because they are born talkative or expressive but because they are, most of the time, victims. By telling sad stories, they can find comfort and sometimes get help, advice, or even sympathetic resonance.
Men, a commonplace, appear reluctant to tell stories, there is an assumption that they are born far less talkative or expressive than women. However; when digging deeper, we would find out it is not exactly this reason making them hardly tell stories but others having us pay attention to. In general, men are born a bit brasher, and they will see telling their stories with setbacks damages their ego, which they insist that they must defend, claiming it is the most important thing in their lives. Men need face more than anything, or they cannot survive. This reason fully explains why they don’t like to tell their sad stories. But I have to offer you one more reason to let you find out the realest side of men.
Telling stories is different from telling lies. When telling stories, one has to reveal real facts to support the story so that it would be sensible to listeners. Most of the time, they have to tell the whole truth. When a story that a couple has is a sad or tragic one, it will inevitably include conflicts, quarrels, and fights. Conceivably, it is, most of the time, the victims who would like to tell those stories. It can explain the reason why women especially like to tell their stories because they are mostly victims. During many a quarrel and fight between a couple, men are prone to easily make mistakes by uncontrollably using violence towards their women – owing to the hormone they own innately that makes them have a very strong desire to call the shot. Such a kind of hormone will render them more than impatient or reluctant to find out what exactly their women want, seeing only that women should always obey men.
Therefore, having men tell their stories with unfavorable elements can ruthlessly pose them not a little embarrassment, depriving them of their ego when they know they were bad or wrong in those stories. Hence, more often than not, they will choose not to tell in excuse of their inertness of expressing.

Judy Cheng

Hello friends, I am from Hong Kong, living there and having decent education there. I am a mother of two sons and I work as a veteran counselor at a fully fledgling marital introduction company. I like to share with people some tougher experiences in the area of human relationships, marriage in particular. I find human nature is a mixed blessing. While we are bestowed upon enjoying the advantages of it, we can also flee the disadvantages of it. How? I will tell you in my books and blogs.
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