2023 Father’s Day
Dad, today marks the eleventh Father’s Day I am without you. It is a bittersweet occasion for me as I have grown accustomed to accepting this day, yet I can’t help but feel a mix of emotions. Throughout the day, memories of you resurface, and I can vividly recall your smiling face, nodding head, and soft voice. You know, the mystery of your silence still lingers, and we find there is no way to know how you managed it.
Dad, your goodness is unparalleled, you have never succumbed to the dark aspects of human behavior. This quality has set you apart from the rest, especially in a world where aggression, negativity, revenge, hostility, and even evil seem to prevail so easily. Your disposition is so lofty that I cannot but admire and learn. Dad, I make a promise to you that I will strive to be a good and contributive person, for I believe it is the true essence of life. Only with this does life have meaning.
Dad, the global pandemic that once ravaged us is almost done. Today, we can resume our lives in a normal manner. Over the past three years, we could not get together due to necessary social restrictions. That period of isolation has made us realize the value of togetherness, teaching us it is not something to be taken for granted. Now that all the restrictions have been lifted, it is easy for us to come together; however, we seem to forget the hardships we endured then, and now, we choose to distance ourselves from one another as if we don’t need each other. Yeah, family issues are the most challenging tasks with no one alone can resolve. Nevertheless, I find dad you are the one who was capable of doing this task with your inherent goodness always setting an example for us all, and always bringing us together evincing the harmony of a family.
Dad, this year, I have chosen an English song to sing for you. While you may not understand the lyrics, I believe you will enjoy the melody, as I know you love music. The song glorifies the value of friendship, denoting to us that we all will need each other some days in our lives. It reinforces my belief that we truly need each other; no one can navigate the world alone while ignoring the existence of unity.
Dad, I love you and miss you!

Staying long at the hospital really could make Father see a lot that we could not see. Thus and so, listening to what Father said of the hospital’s anecdotes became another kind of knowledge of life that we could not learn elsewhere.
If you want to know more about me and my dad, you are welcome to visit https://www.amazon.com/-/zh_TW/Judy-Cheng-ebook/dp/B08PCRQ23F/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1686992814&sr=8-1